It seems many people look at only the evidence that man can produce. Yet we should be looking at everything God has given us. As it says in the Book of Mormon in Alma 30:44 "The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."
I say this not just for those in the field of science, as I plan to be in, but also for those who are having a hard time finding their faith. Take a look around you, my brothers and sisters. As Alma said, the earth itself witnesses that God is there. Let's take a look one of the oldest books in existence, the Bible. From the beginning of time the existence of God was taught.
People may say that the story of Adam and Eve is just that, a story; I have faith that it is a true account. The world may say God doesn't exist; I believe in the scriptures and in an almighty, all powerful God. I believe He will reveal all things in His own way on His own timetable. To doubt the power of God is to doubt the accounts of the scriptures, and doubt that we will be held responsible for anything we do in this life.
Events in the scriptures, like the parting of the Red Sea during Moses' time, turning water into wine by Christ, and even the moving of mountains by the brother of Jared in the Book of Mormon (Ether 12:30), become mere fairy tales if we have not faith to believe. For as Christ said "Repent all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, and have faith in me, that ye may be saved." (Moroni 7:34, emphasis added)
If God created the earth, that would mean He created science as well. It has been my experience that whenever men try to interpret something God did or said, there are many interpretations. It is left to us to have the faith to turn and ask God what is truth.

For Christ says in the Bible, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matt. 21:22, emphasis added)
I leave with you my testimony that God is our Heavenly Father. That He and His son, Jesus Christ, live today and care about us.